Geboren 18-05-1948 te Amsterdam.
Zoon van Gerhard Smits (17-12-1923 – 2-8-2006) geboren in Amsterdam en
Angela Maria Margarita Gasca (17-2-1917 – 17-2-2001) geboren in Turijn Italië.
1954 tot 1960 Lagere School:
Klaas de Vriesschool
1960 tot 1965 Middelbare
school: PC Hooftlyceum HBS-B
1965 - 1973
Universiteit: Gemeente Universiteit van Amsterdam nu de UvA. Studie scheikunde,
(bachelor) in 1969. Doctoraal (Master) in november 1973 met als hoofdvak
Biochemie. Bijvakken: plantenfysiologie en radiochemie met een 1e graad onderwijs
aantekening voor het vak scheikunde.
Door mijn scriptie (Joodproteïnen in de circulatie) kreeg ik een promotieplaats aangeboden bij Jan de Vijlder (schildklierspecialist). Ik ben daar niet op ingegaan. Ik wilde met mensen werken.
1976 – 1977 Leraar scheikunde en natuurkunde op de Osdorper Scholengemeenschap.
1977 – 1978 Student in het Natuurwetenschappelijk Studiejaar aan het Goetheanum te Dornach
vlak bij Basel. Studie van de Goetheanistische fenomenologie en kentheorie.
Scheikunde perioden van Manfred von Mackensen
1978 – 1979 Leraar scheikunde op de Geert Groote school te Amsterdam.
1979 - 1981 Oprichting en vormgeving samen met een aantal mensen van het
biologisch dynamisch restaurant Baldur(te Amsterdam)
1981 – 1984
Studie van de euritmie, een bewegingskunst.
Studie niet afgemaakt, want ik werd gevraagd voor de onderstaande functie:
1984 – 2014
leraar scheikunde voor alle klassen op de Vrije School te Den Haag.
Ook VMBO, HAVO en VWO eindexamen klassen.
Tijdens deze beroepsuitoefening was ik vele jaren voorzitter van de pedagogische en bovenbouw vergaderingen.
Voor aankomende leraren en ouders heb ik vele jaren cursussen gegeven over de fenomenologische
scheikunde en het antroposofische mensbeeld.
2008 -
Decaan werkzaamheden op de Vrije School van Den Haag.
Het begeleiden en het geven van adviezen aan leerlingen bij de keuzes van de leerlijnen
en hun vervolgopleidingen na deze school.
1999 –
Certificaat gehaald te Leiden voor 1e graad ANW leraar.
2015 -
Leraar scheikunde op de Rotterdamse Vrijeschool.
april Cursus scheikunde(de zeven metalen) op de
Waldorfschool in Guangzhou (China) gegeven.
2016 tot heden Leraar verbonden aan de opleiding Fenomenologie zie
voor Vrije Schoolleraren voor de vakken biologie, scheikunde en natuurkunde. Het geven van scheikundedemonstratie proeven aan de Plantago bijeenkomsten in de Weleda fabriek; een cursus voor artsen apothekers en therapeuten. Schrijven van het boek Chemie in het Periodeonderwijs op de Vrijeschool. DEEL I: De chemie van het vuur, de chemie van de planten en de chemie van de mineralen(de zouten).
DEEL II: De chemie van de chemische elementen en hun rol in de levensprocessen.
DEEL III: De chemie van de zeven metalen en de overeenkomende zielenkrachten.
Uitgegeven bij VOK (zie deze website bij artikelen, boek en teksten)
CV of Gerard Giovanni Smits
Born on 18th of May 1948 in Amsterdam. Sun of a Dutch father who was born and living in Amsterdam and an Italian mother from Torino in Piemonte.
1954 - 1965 Primary and secondary school in Amsterdam
1965 - 1973 University of Amsterdam. Biochemistry, plant physiology and radiochemistry.
In 1973 I finished that study with a master degree of chemistry with the annotation
of a first degree teacher of chemistry.
1974 - 1975 Teaching at a technical High school during a year in order to earn money for my big solo trip
1975 - 1976 Journy to South-East Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka).
I`ve stayed several months in the Theosophical society in Adyar. In their library I`ve made
a study of Lucifer and Ahriman of Rudolf Steiner.(His lectures from October 1918).
Further I`ve learned a lot by seeing and experiencing the different cultures, religions
and the different ways of life’s.
1976 - 1977 Coming back in Europe I was a teacher in physics in a regular high school in Amsterdam.
1977 - 1978 I was studying at Dornach the Goetheanistical way of science and philosophy.
(From Steiner Philosophy of Freedom) in the Glashouse near the Goetheanum with
Dr. Joachim Bockemühl and with Dr. Georg Maier.
I`ve made a study of the influences of the surroundings on the forms
and growth of the plants (lemon balm and marjoram). During that period two mainlessons during two times three weeks Chemistry of Manfred von Mackensen.
1978 - 1979 Coming back in Holland at 1978 I was teaching chemistry and mathematics at
the Waldorf School of Amsterdam(Geert Groote School)
That was not so successful.
1979 - 1981 I partly picked up the study of the influences of the surroundings on the forms and growth
of the plants (now with the little radish) in Zeist at the Bolkinstitute and partly worked in
a biodynamic vegetarian restaurant Baldur in Amsterdam.
1981 - 1984 I`ve studied euritmy in the Hague with Werner Barfod in order to combine art and science.
After that study I should be a teacher at the Waldorf science university.
But in the autumn of 1983 the three month course of that university was bankruptcy.
(no more students were coming)
1984 - 2014 In the summer I was asked to teach chemistry at the Waldorf school in the Hague
and from the first of January 1984 `till my retirement in 2013/2014 I`ve worked at
that place with a lot of pleasure. I was giving “Waldorf” chemistry in the so called mainlessons
(daily education the first two hours of the day during two or three weeks) in the classes 7 till 12.
Teaching for the finall exams that gave access to further studies at colleges and universities,
I also taught in “regular” chemistry. For many years I was chairman of the pedagogical meeting.
2003 - 2014 The last 10 years I was also a dean as a guide to further studies of the children.
2015 - 2016 Teacher Chemistry in the Waldorfschool of Rotterdam preparing the students for their finalexamens.
2016 april I was giving a seminar of Chemistry about the seven classical metals for the teachers
of the Waldorfschool of Guanzhou(Kanton) in China.
2016 till now Chemistryteacher in the course phenomenology for sciencewaldorfteachers see
Demonstrating chemistryexperiments during the meeting in the course Plantago at the Weledafactory for anthroposofical physicians, pharmaceutiocal chemists and therapists.
Writing the book: Chemistry during the mainlessons in the Waldorfschool from the 7th till the 12th degree. Editted january 2018 by VOK(see this website "artikelen, boek en teksten")
Some more skills:
Hobbycarver in many materials albast, marble, serpentine and wood.
In 2007 and 2009 I worked in the marblestudio of Petros Dellatolos at the Island Tinos in Greece.
In 2012 I`ve worked together with Jorgos Vidos in the marble studio of Lambros in Pirgos
at the Island Tinos in Greece.
Singing classical and popular Italian, Dutch and English songs.
Know something reasonable on the anthroposophic humanlogy.
Spent years teaching at the application course (training for upper and primary teachers
in the Waldorf school). The subject humanlogy of puberty was treated on the basis of the
seven metals with classic experiments, which correspond to the seven soul forces.
(Usually called the planet types or forces).
Knows quite a bit about alchemy, the Renaissance , the history of science, the time
of Goethe and Schiller and the ideas that underlie them.
After my retirement I have written a Goetheanistic phenomenological chemistry book.
It is editted in the beginning of 2018. The book has three chapters.
Part I: The Chemistry of the fire, the plants and mineralworld(the Salts)
Part II: The Chemistry of the chemical elements and their role in the processes of life.
Part III: The Chemistry of the seven classical metals and their corresponding soulforces.
I am still working as a member of several groups: one group is a science group, the other
an anthroposophical educational group and a group called the Dante group, were we are
studying the world literature. La Divina Comedia of Dante, Ilias and Odyseus of Homerus,
the Italian Humanism with works of Marcilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandolla an
many other works. Last of my study(summer and the fall of 2016) was the history of the unification of Italy (Il Risorgimento) during the 19th century till 1914 with the biographies of Giuseppe Garibaldi, Giuseppe Mazzini, Camillo Cavour and the king Victor Emanuel II.
(see this website "artikelen, boek en teksten")